Spring Safe Routes to School recap

As the school year winds down so does our Safe Routes to School work. This past semester has been busy and fun. Here’s a recap.

Northridge Elementary

The first walk audit of the spring was held at Northridge Elementary. Principal Flagler and PTA President Felicia Wimberly attended WALKSacramento’s “SRTS 101” workshop last spring and used what they learned to put together a walk to school program targeting students living north of school across Madison Avenue. Felicia even conducted her own walk audit of Fair Oaks Boulevard!

Our walk audit was a small but focused group of Felicia, WALKSacramento staff, Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates (SABA) Executive Director Tricia Hedahl, and San Juan Unified School District Safe Routes Coordinator Dan Allison. Oh, and also Charlie the dog. Felicia showed us the problem areas on Fair Oaks Boulevard which included missing sidewalks and difficulty crossing streets.

We are looking forward to working with Felicia and Principal Flagler to rock up Northridge Elementary’s walk to school program for next year.

View more pictures from the Northridge Elementary walk audit.

Marshall Elementary

Our next walk audit was at James W. Marshall Elementary. We had a great turnout of Principal Van Laningham, school staff, parents, and WALKSacramento staff and volunteers.

What stands out at Marshall Elementary is the close proximity of students to school as the crow flies but the long walk they have to school due to the way streets and housing developments were built. Kids living on Country Roads Drive, a third of a mile from school, have a 1.2 mile walk to school! Walk audit participants had fun walking the routes kids take—across parking lots, over grass, and between fences. It’s eye-opening to be a pedestrian sometimes.

Howe Avenue Elementary

Located right on Howe Avenue and with an attendance area that crosses El Camino Avenue, Alta Arden, Fulton Avenue, and Marconi Avenue, walking to Howe Avenue Elementary can be daunting. But Principal Murphy is committed to starting a safe and fun walk to school program.

WALKSacramento presented information on starting a walk to school program to a group of enthusiastic parents. Their response:  “When can we start?” We’re excited to help Principal Murphy set up parent-led walk to school program for next school year.

Foothill Farms Junior High

Foothill Farms Junior High is adding two grades next school year so the Twin Rivers Unified School District asked WALKSacramento to do a walk audit to help kids stay safe with the increased traffic.

Right around the corner is Woodridge Elementary. Lots of kids walk to Woodridge, and some of them will be attending the new Foothill Farms Junior High next year. We presented information on pedestrian safety and walk to school programs at a health and safety night.

Skycrest Elementary

Our last audit of the season and our first for Citrus Heights was at Skycrest Elementary. Mary Poole from the City of Citrus Heights attended and provided information on sidewalk construction occurring on Mariposa Avenue this summer which will help students get to school next school year. We also got good input from parents and the Birdcage Heights Neighborhood Association.

Next semester we hope to work with the San Juan USD SRTS Coordinator and Skycrest Elementary to organize pedestrian/bicycle education and a walk to school program.

View more pictures from the Skycrest Elementary walk audit.

WALKSacramento will be writing draft reports for all the schools. Reports will be posted on our website as soon as they are available. SABA is working on the bicycle audits this month and their findings will be included in each school’s report. If you have any questions about our projects or Safe Routes to School in general email Alexis Kelso.