All people, regardless of race, income, or ability, live in neighborhoods that:

  • Are designed for health and happiness;
  • Are sustainable and green;
  • Support thriving local economies; and
  • Promote civic engagement.

WALKSacramento is a nonprofit planning and advocacy organization that improves quality of life and health equity through community-centered policy and systems change in land use, transportation, and community development.

What We Value

Place-Based Strategies

We value place-based strategies that create healthy people, places, environments, and economies.

Strong Climate Action

We value progressive and immediate strategies that address our collective climate crisis, understanding that historically marginalized communities will be impacted the most by climate change.

Community Partnerships

We value authentic partnership with communities that lifts up the voices of overburdened and under-resourced communities in decision making.

Collaborative Partnerships

We value working with and lifting up partners who contribute to a safer, healthier, and more equitable region.

Prioritized Investment

We value prioritized investment in and for marginalized communities that recognizes historic inequities.

High Quality Services

We value delivering high quality services, resources, and assistance to communities and partners in advancement of our shared objectives.

Our Impact in 2019: How Community Based Planning Pays Off


Policy Initiatives

Led and informed 7 policy initiatives related to environmental justice, unintentional injury prevention for children, Transit Oriented Development, Safe Routes to Parks and Retail, and improved safety and mobility for students.


Million in Project Funding

Over $4.5 million in new project funding awarded for active transportation infrastructure projects and non-infrastructure programs as a result of our robust community engagement work in the Sacramento Region.


Stakeholder Committees

Our four-person staff participated in 19 panels, conferences, stakeholder advisory committees, and boards to advance our mission and health equity in Sacramento.


Comment Letters and Walk Audits

Over 75 comment letters written and over 25 community walk audits held to advocate and inform planning and infrastructure projects that support health and sustainability.


Safe Routes to School Initiatives

55 schools participated in Safe Routes to School initiatives including education and encouragement events for elementary, middle, and high school students, walk audits, Safe Routes to School City-wide master plans, middle school bike clubs, and more!

Our Commitment to Confronting Racism in Policy, Systems, and Environmental Work