Assemblymember Richard Pan Supports Safe Routes to School

PAN pic 1 Parents, students and partners review where the sidewalks will be built

On a pleasant spring morning, Friday, May 17, 2013, WALKSacramento joined with parents, students and school staff at Anna Kirchgater Elementary School, 1801 Stevenson Avenue in south Sacramento to hear Assemblymember Dr. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento/Elk Grove urge passage of AB 1194. This measure, if adopted by the Legislature, would provide $46 million in annual funding for Safe Routes to School planning, education, encouragement and infrastructure projects in California. Dr. Pan is a co-sponsor of the bill.

Pan pic 2 Kirchgater School Principal Larry Quismondo (left) walks with Assemblymember Richard Pan (right)

Dr. Pan led a walk with the meeting participants to review the improvements along Stevenson Avenue, primarily several blocks of new sidewalk on a road where many students must travel to get to school. Sacramento County Dept of Transportation staff Ron Vicari, Elk Grove USD board trustee Priscilla Cox and Elk Grove USD facilities staff joined the meeting and the walk. The walkers saw the narrow road with high speed cars and little space for anyone to walk alongside the road, with drainage ditch. The new sidewalks will provide safe walking not just for students but for local residents as well. Safe Routes to School provides safer routes for all.

Pan pic 3 Parents, partners and school facilities staff holding a walk audit in 2009

In October 2009 WALKSacramento conducted a walk assessment of the roads around Kirchgater as part of the Sacramento 5 E’s project. The walk audit included parents, students and school staff, as well as County Department of Transportation engineers and County supervisor Don Nottoli. The walk report led to the funding of the Stevenson sidewalks, and other improvements, through a Safe Routes to School grant submitted by the Dept. of Transportation.

Q & A:
1. How much has Kirchgater school received in Safe Routes funds?
The County of Sacramento has been awarded a Federal Safe Routes To School Grant of $768,700 (Cycle 3, 2011)
2. What improvements will be made with those funds?
The project will construct curb, gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps and crosswalks on the north side of Stevenson Ave just east of the school.
3. What is the timeline?
Construction will take place in 2014. Planning and Right of Way acquisition are in progress. A community meeting about the project was held February 28, 2013.

For more information, Scott Werth is the County’s Project Manager, 916-874-5259,