Commenting on the MTP-SCS

WALKSacramento submitted several letters to SACOG on its 2011 draft Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Update and Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) and the associated DEIR.

The SACOG Board of Directors plans to take action on the update at its April 19, 2012 meeting.  The comment period on the DEIR closed January 9, but comments on the update will be taken up to and including the April Board meeting.

The Board’s policy committees will review the draft Plan over the next several months prior to the Board’s final decision.  Go here for a calendar of upcoming committee meetings.  Comments may be presented to the committees at or prior to the meetings.  However, the sooner your comments are received, the more time there is for their consideration and action.

The major subjects that WALKSacramento included in its letter (WALKSacramento Comments on MTP-SCS January 2012) on the update included:

  1. Set a timetable for achieving Complete Streets,
  2. Establish a 20% target for all non-commute walk and bike trips,
  3. Integrate Complete Streets in to road maintenance and rehabilitation projects,
  4. Incorporate specific pedestrian and bicycle projects in the MTP’s transportation project list,
  5. Set performance measures for pedestrian and bicycle safety and health outcomes associated with transportation-related physical activity, and
  6. Incorporate the promotion of walking and bicycling into the greenhouse gas reduction strategies.

An attachment (WALKSacramento Review of SACOG MTP by Chapter) included, among others, the following points:

  1. SACOG’s next area of focus should be on Complete Streets,
  2. The public should have greater involvement in the development of the project list,
  3. Include a section on Complete Streets in the policy chapter, and
  4. Address walking and bicycling more comprehensively.

Our comment letter on the DEIR (MTP-SCS 2035 DEIR Comment Letter) focused on the transportation chapter.

Thanks to all of our partners and friends who assisted in this effort.

Upcoming Event: Sacramento Regional Consortium for Sustainable Communities

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at 3 p.m.
1415 L Street, 3rd Floor
Sacramento, 95814
Click here for transit, walking and driving directions

This meeting will include an update on the Draft MTP/SCS which is currently out for public comment, a presentation and panel discussion featuring leaders from the Next Economy Initiative, and a break out exercise designed to gather information from the consortium on the Next Economy work for 2012.

Go here to RSVP your attendance at this event.