Check Out Our Newest Employees!


Emily Alice Gerhart has worked at WALKSacramento for the past year, but has recently begun working full-time as a project assistant at our organization.  Emily Alice is a recent graduate of UC Davis, with a Bachelor of Science in Community & Regional Development and a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations.  She began working at WALKSacramento in June 2013 assisting with a school walkability project and currently assists with Safe Routes to School and pedestrian communication projects, in addition to coordinating WALKSacramento’s social media accounts. Emily Alice was an invited speaker at the Pedestrians Count! 2014 statewide conference where she gave a presentation on using social media to achieve pedestrian advocacy and outreach goals.  Emily Alice is passionate about creating safe public spaces and promoting active transportation through urban design and public participation.







Kirin Kumar 

is our newest staff member, after volunteering and interning at WALKSacramento, assisting with a project on healthy, active building design. You may recognize Kirin as he represented Team WALKSacramento in the California Climate Ride in May 2014.  Kirin has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Policy and Planning from UC Davis and is passionate about using smart land-use and transportation planning to establish more walkable communities to improve environmental and human health. Kirin’s work at the UC Davis MIND Institute researching environmental factors that may be related to autism has illustrated to him the strong relationship between planning and our well-being. He is encouraged by the growing awareness and advocacy for complete streets policies and hopes to facilitate the push for beautiful, safe, more accessible, and multimodal streets both in Sacramento and nationwide.