Bicycling on Complete Streets in Europe: A Review – May 25 Monthly Meeting

Walkers (and Bicycle Riders),

As we close out a great Bike to Work Day, WALKSacramento invites you to our monthly meeting to see how our partners across the water do it.

MPH candidate and WALKSacramento volunteer Sarah Underwood recently returned from a trip to Europe and will talk about the varied and creative bike-sharing programs she saw there and the amazing bike-friendly changes that Seville, Spain has made in just a few years. A bikeable world helps create a walkable world, and our friends and partners at SABA are invited as usual to join us.

Sarah provided a rousing presentation on “Stranger Danger” at our 2010 Safe Routes to School conference. This will be a fun and informative meeting!!

  • When: Wednesday, May 25, 2011, noon – 1 pm
  • Where: Sacramento Metro Air Quality Mgmt District, 777 12th Street (at H St)

See you on Wednesday!!