WALKSacramento’s Newest Complete Streets Project

Team Members (L to R) Emily Alice Gerhart, Kirin Kumar, Terry Preston, and Miha Tomuta work on WALKSacramento’s newest Complete Streets project.

The WALKSacramento staff is excited about a new project, which is to review and inventory policies related to Complete Streets in the City and County of Sacramento.  They will cover resolutions, general plan policies, design guidelines, and or departmental policies in the two jurisdictions.  The team will also review relevant policies, practices and design standards used internally (such as street standards, road maintenance and speed surveys) and implementation steps required to assure the entire right-of-way is planned, designed, constructed, operated and maintained to provide safe access for all users when streets are built or re-surfaced. The WALKSacramento team will also create a regional Complete Streets checklist to evaluate the jurisdictions on their continued efforts to achieve Complete Streets goals as well as reports summarizing their findings. This project is funded by The California Endowment.  For more information about the project, email Emily Alice at egerhart(at)walksacramento.org