Safe Routes to School 5 E’s Conference 2011 a Success!!

Thank you to all who made it out on Friday, October 21, for the 3rd Sacramento Safe Routes to School Five E’s Conference. Over 60 Safe Routes to School advocates gathered at the Sacramento County Office of Education to hear presentations from local SRTS experts, to receive tips for developing and drafting good grants, and to review real SRTS grant applications that have been awarded.

Accompanying the conference was the roll-out of the draft Sacramento County Safe Routes to School Toolkit, a guide that will assist parents, guardians, school site staff, and school district staff to build an effective SRTS program and prepare for future funding opportunities. The toolkit is still in draft stage, but we’ll have it here on our website as soon as it is finalized, so check back over the next few months.

The conference is over, but WALKSacramento’s Safe Routes to School work continues. We’ll be conducting walk audits in Citrus Heights next month, and throughout the region next year. If you’re interested in attending a walk audit, please contact Alexis Kelso, WALKSacramento’s Safe Routes to School Coordinator.