Safe Routes for All!!

Safe Routes for All, a coalition of individuals and organizations convened by WALKSacramento, asks SACOG to create and analyze a vision of a complete network of bicycle and pedestrian routes throughout the region as part of the MTP update.  We estimate that with $5 billion we could build safe routes to schools and transit, needed freeway and river crossings, and a system of bikeways and complete streets that are safe and accessible to everyone throughout the region.  And we could do it all in 12 years.  Consider what this would mean for kids, for the elderly, for families and for neighborhoods.

This is achievable, but we need your support.

If you or your organization would like to join Safe Routes for All or would like more information please email Anne Geraghty: ageraghty(at)

Join our growing coalition!

WALKSacramento, Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates, Breathe California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails, Sacramento Walking Sticks, Coalition on Regional Equity, Ubuntu Green, Environmental Council of Sacramento, Safe Kids Greater Sacramento, and Gray Panthers of Sacramento.