There are several state propositions and local ballot and measures on the November 6, 2012 ballot that may affect Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets, and active transportation.
This is a brief review of propositions and measures that WALKSacramento has identified as potentially having an most impact and is provided solely for general information. This does not constitute an endorsement of any measure.
State of California:
- Propositions 30 and 38
Both propositions state they will raise funding for public education. Proposition 30 increases the sales tax rate by one-quarter cent (0.25%) for calendar years 2013-2016. It would also increase the personal income tax rate in stages up to 12.3% (on incomes of $500,000 for single filers, $1,000,000 for joint filers) for calendar years 2012-2018. The existing additional 1% tax applicable to annual income over $1 million (with the revenue dedicated to mental health services) would continue to apply. The new revenues would provide generally unrestricted K-14 educational funding, and also benefit the California General Fund.
- Read a non-partisan description of Proposition 30 here:
If Prop 30 fails, the 2012-13 budget plan requires a reduction in state spending by $6 billion, almost entirely in K-14 education and public universities. These reductions could result in shorter instructional years, as well as greater deferral of Prop 98 funding for K-14 education.
Proposition 38 will also provide additional funding for schools. This funding will not be available for several years.
- Read a non-partisan description of Proposition 38 here.
If both propositions pass, whichever garners the most popular votes wins.
Potential Consequences for Safe Routes to School
If neither Proposition 30 or 38 passes, the loss of state-provided school funding will result in “trigger cuts” in many local school districts which may result in more school closures. Past budget challenges have resulted in school districts consolidating schools to save money. This requires more students to travel longer distances to get to school. More children are therefore driven to school instead of walking or bicycling to neighborhood schools and those who cannot be driven will have to walk further over unsafe roads to arrive.
Twin Rivers Unified School District summarizes differences between the two propositions here:
Local Measures:
- Citrus Heights – Measure K
Measure K in the The City of Citrus Heights will, among other things, provide funding for the City’s residential street maintenance program to resurface approximately 612 residential streets in Citrus Heights over the next 10 years. This will provide additional crosswalks, bike lanes and other improvements to benefit pedestrian and bicycle safety. Measure K is a general utility tax that requires a simple majority vote to pass.
WALKSacramento is working in in partnership with the City and San Juan Unified School District on a Safe Routes to School project that includes walk and bike to school encouragement programs, safety education and walk audits to assess physical barriers to active transportation. Measure K would provide funding for crosswalks, bike lanes and other improvements found in the Safe Routes walk audits.

School bond funding has been used to provide improvements on school grounds that complement Safe Routes to School programs and projects. Sacramento City Unified has two bond measures that specifically authorize improvements.
Sacramento City Unified School District
- Bond Measures Q and R

The Sacramento Unified School District proposes two bond measures, Q and R. Among other things, Measure Q and Measure R will make school site safety improvements that will include, among other things:
- Repairing or replacing sidewalks, concrete and asphalt surfaces, including in the parking areas, the service areas, and the pick-up and drop-off areas.
These school bond-funded projects can provide safer access to school for students walking to school and can complement and support local transportation improvements. The federal and state Safe Routes to School programs do not allow funding to improve parking lots and pick up/drop off.
And remember, VOTE on Tuesday, November 6!!