Call or E-mail Senator Boxer TODAY!!


Our partners at America Bikes just found out late last night that the U.S. Senate’s Environment and Public Works Committee is deciding what goes into the next federal transportation bill today and tomorrow.

Senator Barbara Boxer needs to hear from you RIGHT NOW.

If we don’t act now, dedicated funding for biking and walking programs may be written out of our transportation system for the next six years.

The committee she leads, the Environment and Public Works Committee, is deciding what goes into the transportation bill today and tomorrow. She needs to know that we want her to fight for bicycling and walking programs like Transportation Enhancements, Safe Routes to School, and the Recreational Trails Program.

Senator Barbara Boxer is the chair of this committee and we need you to get word to her in every way and medium possible TODAY that we’re counting on her continued support for dedicated funding for biking and walking.

At this very moment, she is negotiating with other senators who don’t think bicycling and walking are an important part of the transportation bill. She needs to know we have her back on this issue and she shouldn’t give up on these crucial programs.

Call Sen. Boxer at (202) 224-3553 or email her RIGHT NOW. Please tell her:
“I am one of your constituents and I think bicycling and walking need to be a part of the transportation bill. Please ensure that Transportation Enhancements, Safe Routes to School and the Recreational Trails programs continue with strong and dedicated funding as they are today.”

Thank you for your immediate action!

Terry Preston
Complete Streets Coordinator